Painful diarrhea
Painful diarrhea

Usually this infection said to be not too bad, some not noticing it?, and resolve on its own. I had GIARDIA, a protozoan parasite, can be seen under microscopeĪnd PCR tests are in place to search for it in case not seen under microscope. Keep up the fluids please! Get those electrolyte sachets from pharmacy, but don't overdose. It's horrible to have these kind of symptoms for longer than a few days even the body can manage the electrolyte loss and has good compensating mechanism in place (which babies, young children and old people don't have) Please go back to GP today, insist on a stool sample. The stool sampling and getting diagnosed was then done by GP.not hospital, after hydration went back home and next day to GP again pressing to do something finally.) It was not the cause of diarrhea that made me hospitalised, it was the delay of diagnosis and symptoms causing severe dehydration - GP brushed me off even 6 days after massive green water diarrhea, fainting due to low blood pressure, not sending stool sample in- making me too dehydrated, that was the reason for ER to keep me since it was dangerous to send me home that dehydrated. Pull your hand skin up, see what happens. (I have been there, done that, my skin on hand staying up when pulled up and my eyes somewhere in the skull socket, completely dried out. So if you were completely dehydrated due to this diarrhea, your compensation mechanism not working well, They will (or in your case: have) assess you, but if you are not in immediate danger ( dehydration), you can be managed by physician and that's the correct procedure. Hospital ERs on not really there for this kind of symptoms IF your life is not in immediate danger

painful diarrhea painful diarrhea

Usually 5 days is the cut off for diarrhea to investigate if it does not get better by itself or appearance of fever.

painful diarrhea

They don't do such stool tests on the first or second day of diarrhea in otherwise normal healthy adults (different if baby, child or old person or fragile adult! there compensation mechanism is compromised),īut if it persited it's a different story. Your GP get's this non-invasive test going. After 5 days good indication to get bac culture, parasite stool testing done, also some viral diseases can be tested.

Painful diarrhea